Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Wed, 02/05/2018
The conference in Minsk on 23-27 April - jointly organised by ICRANet and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus - gathered 80 participants from CEI countries, i.e. Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Ukraine as well from other countries (Argentina, Armenia, China, Colombia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, Taiwan).
Wed, 30/11/2016
More than 20 participants from Serbia as well as from Austria, Germany and Hungary, i.e. owners and operators of the biogas plants, representatives of the Serbian biogas association, consulting companies and governmental bodies, gathered in Novi Sad on 21 November 2016, for the final meeting of the project “LCA – GHG emissions of RES production and utilization in Serbia – RESEnviro”.
Fri, 11/11/2016
In the framework of its activities fostering Bioeconomy and, in particular, those promoting the potential of sustainable Bioenergy in Central, East, and South Eastern Europe, the CEI has strengthened its cooperation with ETA-Florence in relation to the organisation of the 25th Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBECE) taking place in Stockholm in June 2017.
Tue, 08/11/2016
Leading energy specialists, professors and researchers as well as international bodies examined possible alternative energy visions and roadmaps within the workshop for alternative energy planners and modelling experts in Budapest on 3 November. The event aimed at supporting Central- and Eastern European countries (CEE) to develop sustainable energy systems and hence to initiate a research project about a common alternative energy scenario for the entire region of CEE and South Eastern Europe (SEE).
Mon, 04/07/2016
“Reduce energy use and change habits (REACH)” focuses on energy poverty abatement at practical and structural level through tailor-made policies and measures.
Wed, 02/03/2016
On 24-26 February 2016, representatives from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences – BOKU, Austrian know-how provider and the Serbian recipient institution, the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University of Novi Sad, met in Opatija for the kick-off meetings of the KEP AUSTRIA project on “LCA – GHG emissions of RES production and utilization in Serbia – RESEnviro”, on the occasion of the 44th international sy
Wed, 17/12/2014
In order to further strengthen economic and social development in its non-EU members, the CEI is promoting synergies between the EU-funded project ener2i and the KEP AUSTRIA Project Innovation stimulation for Moldovan SMEs in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energies (CEI-ener2i-MD) promoted by the Austrian Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI).
Mon, 15/12/2014
Fifteen targeted meetings with representatives of various EU institutions were held on 10 and 11 December in Brussels within the first WIDER EU level Road Show, organised as part of the project's networking activities.
Fri, 12/12/2014
Representatives of the 19 partner insitutions of the Danube-INCO.NET project gathered in Vienna on 11 December for an overall assessment of the work progress, the main results achieved so far and future challenges.
In its capacity of leader of the Work Package on energy efficiency, renewable energy and bioeconomy, the CEI presented the activities carried out in the first project implementation year, as well as the forthcoming tasks and events.
In its capacity of leader of the Work Package on energy efficiency, renewable energy and bioeconomy, the CEI presented the activities carried out in the first project implementation year, as well as the forthcoming tasks and events.
Tue, 02/12/2014
In the framework of the project “Renewable Energy Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Albania and in Bosnia–Herzegovina”, an awareness campaign for communities and municipalities has been launched in Albania, focusing on energy conservation, renewable energy and environmental protection.
Tue, 25/11/2014
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) convened a Conference on Energy for a Sustainable Development in Geneva on 17-21 November.
High-level representatives from Governments of Member Countries and the European Commission, as well as experts from Industry, Academia, Specialised/Regional and Non-Governmental Organisations and other top independent experts in this field attended this annual event.
High-level representatives from Governments of Member Countries and the European Commission, as well as experts from Industry, Academia, Specialised/Regional and Non-Governmental Organisations and other top independent experts in this field attended this annual event.
Wed, 19/11/2014
Two hundred participants - among which high-level representatives from Governments, the European Commission, industry, academia, specialised and Non-Governmental Organisations as well as top independent experts - gathered in Brussels, on 14 November, at the Summit on EU Energy Challenges for a global debate on “How innovation may fill the gap”.
Fri, 31/10/2014
The interest in renewable sources is strong amongst Ukrainian stakeholders, especially thanks to the current political and consequent energy crisis. In particular, biomass-based heating systems are seen as an attractive alternative to natural gas supplies from Russia.
Wed, 15/10/2014
Fifteen selected participants from the University of Tirana, the Montenegrin Seismological Centre and Serbian Geophysics Association are participating in the tailor-made “ training for trainers” organised by the Italian Institute for Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), taking place in Trieste on 13-17 October 2014.
Fri, 10/10/2014
The Conference of CEI Ministers for Agriculture and the Environment on “Energy Turnaround” was held in Vienna on 9 October 2014 under the Austrian CEI Presidency.
Fri, 10/10/2014
On 8 October 2014, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) organised a high-level meeting in Vienna on “Protection of Europe’s Network from Natural and Man-made Disasters ” in the framework of activities of its Economic and Environmental Committee.
Tue, 07/10/2014
The National Petroleum Committee of Serbia (NPCS) presented the results of the project “Implementation of Directive 2009/28/EC in the Field of Biofuels and Transport in the Republic of Serbia - Transfer of Best Practices” (BIOGOS) at the VIII International Forum for Clean Energy Technologies on 30 September - 1 October 2014 in Novi Sad.
Fri, 20/06/2014
Three focus workshops have successfully been held in the framework of the project “Capacity building and transfer of knowledge for increasing and improving professional skills in the field of secure, clean and efficient energy in Albania, Montenegro and Serbia”.
Tue, 10/06/2014
The CEI took part in the 4th WIDER Steering Committee Meeting which took place in Civitanova Marche (Italy) on 4 and 5 June 2014. Organised by the project lead partner, SVIM Marche from Italy, the meeting gathered all project partners as well as a number of Local Innovation Community (LIC) experts.
Mon, 28/04/2014
The 3rd WIDER Steering Committee Meeting took place in Faro (Portugal) on 15-16 April 2014. Organised by the Portuguese project partner - the University of Algarve - in the framework of the WIDER Project, the meeting gathered all project partners as well as a few Local Innovation Community (LIC) experts.