Mon, 04/04/2022
The design and implementation of EU-funded projects is a powerful tool for the attainment of the CEI’s goals and objectives.
Fri, 29/05/2020
The CEI-led project CONNECT2CE “Improved rail connections and smart mobility in Central Europe” concluded in a virtual conference held on 28 May.
Thu, 13/02/2020
Developing joint and innovative measures to improve services in cross-border trains operated by HZPP and SZPP between Slovenia and Croatia. This is the main goal of the recently signed MoU between the two parties in Zagreb on 12 February.
Mon, 09/12/2019
On 9 December 2019, Trieste Trasporti and Slovenske Železnice (Slovenian railways) signed the amendment of the agreement for the extension of the cross-border integrated public transport service (bus/train) between Trieste and Ljubljana, at the CEI headquarters.
Thu, 28/11/2019
On 26 – 27 November, the 6th Steering Committee Meeting of the CONNECT2CE project was organised by Intermodal Transport Cluster (project partner) in Zagreb (Croatia).
Mon, 04/11/2019
On 31 October, the CEI-Executive Secretariat in Trieste hosted a workshop in the framework of the Interreg Central Europe project CONNECT2CE and the Interreg ADRION project Inter-Connect focusing on identifying strategic priorities to improve inland and maritime cross-border intermodal connectivity.
Fri, 13/09/2019
On 1 August 2019, Trieste Trasporti and Slovenske Železnice (Slovenian railways) signed the amendment of the agreement for the extension of a new cross-border integrated public transport service (bus/train) between Trieste and Ljubljana, at the CEI headquarters. On 30 August the regional council agreed on this extension and adopted a specific act proposed by the Regional Minister for Infrastructure and Territory, Graziano Pizzimenti.
Thu, 12/09/2019
On 1 August 2019, Trieste Trasporti and Slovenske Železnice (Slovenian railways) signed the amendment of the agreement
Thu, 16/05/2019
On 15-16 May 2019, the 5th Steering Committee Meeting of the project CONNECT2CE led by the CEI-Executive Secretariat was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Project partners mainly gathered to evaluate and discuss the concluded and ongoing project activities, as well as to elaborate on upcoming events.
Thu, 18/04/2019
On 18 April, the presentation of an experimental cross-border single ticket to travel on the vehicles of two public transport operators between the cities of Trieste and Ljubljana was opened at the CEI HQ by CEI Secretary General, Roberto Antonione.
Mon, 25/02/2019
In the framework of the EU-funded project CONNECT2CE, coordinated by the CEI-Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) as lead partner, by Trieste Trasporti and Slovenske Železnice (Slovenian railways) signed the agreement for the launch of a new cross-border integrated public transport service (bus/train) between Trieste and Ljubljana. The event took place at the CEI Headquarters in Trieste on 14 February.
Mon, 26/11/2018
The 4th Steering Committee Meeting of the CONNECT2CE project was held in Pilsen (Czech Republic) on 21-22 November, at the premises of the Regional Authority of the Pilsen Region (project partner).
Wed, 14/11/2018
Inter-Connect and CONNECT2CE Projects: dissemination event and round table discussion held at CEI HQ
On 12 November, the CEI Executive Secretariat hosted the first dissemination and presentation event, open to the public, regarding the Interreg ADRION project Inter-Connect, as well as the roundtable on strategies of cross-border and intermodal connectivity, a topic addressed by the Interreg Central Europe project CONNECT2CE.
Fri, 15/06/2018
On 14 June the CEI hosted the launch event of pilot action n. 1 of the CONNECT2CE project, financed by ERDF under the Interreg Central Europe programme.
Tue, 29/05/2018
The Steering Committee Meeting of the project CONNECT2CE (Improved rail connections and smart mobility in Central Europe) took place in Bolzano (Italy) on 23-24 May, on the premises of EURAC (project partner).
Wed, 14/02/2018
The CEI-ES organised a transnational training in Brussels on 13 February under the title “Enhancing planning capacities of passenger transport systems in Central Europe”.