Today, 31 March, the CEI Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) organised a press conference in order to present the recently launched CEI – led project NAMIRS- North Adriatic Maritime Incident Response System co-financed by the European Commission (DG ECHO) in the framework of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
Project partners expressed great satisfaction with the project, unanimously considered strategical for reinforcing environmental protection in the North Adriatic Sea. Not only does transnational and cross-border cooperation represent an effective instrument for facing threats which know no borders, but it is also essential: the marine environment is a common resource, and its protection is a goal to be reached through its joint and sustainable management by the three neighbouring countries, i.e. Croatia, Italy and Slovenia.
As stated by CEI-ES Secretary General, Roberto Antonione, NAMIRS is perfectly aligned with the CEI political mission and with the priorities expressed by its 17 Member States, considering environmental protection a top priority for sustainable development, and also in line with the development goals of the UN Agenda 2030.
Read full press release below
For more info:
Anna Marconato
Project Manager