CEI-WHO Task Force
On 12-14 November 2024, public health authorities from the Western Balkans, relevant WHO representatives from technical teams and country/field offices, CEI representatives, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia health authorities and invited experts, gathered in Trieste for the 4th Western Balkans Inter-country/area meeting titled “Strengthening primary health care models to manage complex c
The CEI-WHO Task Force converged virtually today to discuss ways the pandemic fatigue might be affecting the COVID-19 response among citizens in the CEI region.
How to ensure essential healthcare services whilst responding to the COVID-19 emergency was the focus of today’s webinar, organised with WHO Europe in the context of the CEI-WHO Task Force, dedicated to a dual-track primary healthcare response to the pandemic.
CEI-WHO from guidance to action: stepping up infection prevention and control in healthcare settings
No country or health system, even the most developed or sophisticated, can claim to be free of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Effective Infection Prevention Control (IPC) needs safe healthcare settings for adequate IPC programmes in all facilities, adequate training and more quality personal-protective equipment.
Increasing coordination on measures for safe school reopening was the main topic tackled during an e-meeting held in the framework of the CEI-WHO Joint Task Force (TF), on 9 September.
The CEI and the WHO converged in an e-meeting focused on the key theme of the European Programme of Work of the WHO Regional Office for Europe United Action for Better Health (EPW), on 15 July.