BIOLOC is financed by the Horizon Europe Programme. It aims to promote social innovation and inclusion as enabling factors that, contributing to revitalising local communities, could accelerate the transition to a circular bioeconomy in 12 European regions (IT, NL, ES, DE, GR, BG, SK, SL, HR, HU, RO, CZ).
Based on extensive interdisciplinary research and cross-sectoral analyses, BIOLOC will elaborate on concepts and solutions that will trigger positive cascading effects on communities by fostering a participatory and inclusive approach to develop resilient innovative biobased activities open to the contribution of socially disadvantaged or marginalised groups.
BIOLOC will deliver innovative and inclusive business models and drive the establishment of permanent public-private multistakeholder hubs to pioneer a social trialogue on innovative and inclusive circular bioeconomy as a leveraging factor for sustainable and resilient local communities.
Lead Partner / Coordinator
Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat
- Foundation Wageningen Research (Netherlands)
- CIRCE (Spain)
- Centre for Social Innovation (Austria)
- RINA Consulting (Italy)
- University of Hohenheim (Germany)
- Government of Aragon, Department of Economy, Planning and Employment (Spain)
- Centre for research and technology Hellas (Greece)
- Agricultural University - Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
- Business and Innovation Centre Bratislava (Slovakia)
- Association of Chemical Industries of Slovenia (Slovenia)
- Society For Sustainable Development Design (Croatia)
- Regional Centre for Information and Scientific Development (Hungary)
- University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara (Romania)
- Association of Research Organisations (Czech Republic)
- Municipality of Apeldoorn (Netherlands)
- SPRING Italian Circular Bioeconmy Cluster (Italy)