On 3 December, the Central European Initiative-Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) hosted the Kick-off Meeting of the project “PRE-RIGHTS – Assessing impact and performance of preventive measures on EU Directives and Framework Decisions”, funded under the EU Justice Programme 2014-2020.
The meeting was attended by all project partners eager to agree upon the first steps to take in order to implement the project successfully.
The CEI-ES and AGENFOR International provided the consortium with an overview of the objectives, work plan and expected outcomes of the action. Qualify Just – IT Solutions and Consulting (IPS) from Portugal, the Center for Study of Democracy from Bulgaria, AGENFOR and the CEI-ES presented the content and time-plan of each Work Package, including the elaboration of an EU-wide survey; research on prevention practices pre- and post- trials, hybrid investigations and data sharing; and the implementation of judicial living labs.
PRE-RIGHTS offers a strong opportunity for enhancing cooperation in the field of justice and for contributing to the harmonisation of legal approaches on radicalisation and prevention at European level. Through extensive research, living labs and trainings, the partners aim at increasing the capacity and knowledge of national legal practitioners, judicial authorities, prison judges, and prison police to address prevention from a legal and procedural point of view.
In this regard, PRE-RIGHTS is strongly linked to the political guidelines agreed upon by the CEI Ministers of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of their last meeting in Trieste, on 12 June 2019. Indeed, the adopted “Trieste Declaration” makes explicit reference to the “the opportunity to intensify the CEI’s activities targeting the challenges to our security, notably international terrorism and organised crime […]”.
Within this framework, the CEI-ES, in its capacity as coordinator, will be responsible for project and financial management, thus ensuring the smooth and timely implementation of all project activities, while also dealing with dissemination tasks aiming to extend the results of the project to the whole CEI membership.
PRE-RIGHTS is funded under the EU Justice Programme 2014-2020, with an overall budget of about 8 hundred thousand EUR. The partnership is composed of seven organisations from Italy, Bulgaria, Malta, Portugal, Germany, Greece and Romania and aims at assessing the impact and performance of preventive measures on EU Directives and Framework Decisions.