On 28 February and 1 March, the MIMOSA consortium met in Trieste to discuss the final results related to ICT and sustainable multimodal transport solutions to improve cross-border mobility between Italy and Croatia. These specifically range from pilot connections to ICT applications, feasibility studies and analysis with the aim of reducing the use of private cars and incentivising a change of behaviour of citizens and tourists towards more sustainable transport modes.
The MIMOSA project is heading towards its conclusion set on 30 June 2023 and the consortium will present its results at the final conference, foreseen in Opatija, Croatia on 13-14 June 2023.
The MIMOSA partners agreed to set a set of agreements and protocols to take up and further transfer the achieved results. Finally, the consortium will establish a transnational cooperation network, open also to other external interested actors through which the participants will use the acquired knowledge for the development of new projects and initiatives in the field of sustainable mobility beyond the project end.
The CEI-led MIMOSA is co-financed by the Interreg Italy-Croatia CBC Programme and aims at improving the offer of MarItime and MultimOdal Sustainable pAssenger transport solutions and services by promoting a new cross-border approach for passenger mobility.
For more info: dileno@cei.int