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Phase three of KEP project “CEI support for strengthening Energy Regulatory Authorities in Western Balkans” officially launched in Sofia

The transfer of know-how on market coupling initiatives among EU Member States to the National Regulatory Authorities of Albania (ERE), Energy Water Services Regulatory Commission of North Macedonia (ERC), Montenegro (REGAGEN) and Serbia (AERS) is the main objective of the third phase of the  Know-how Exchange Programme project “CEI support for strengthening Energy Regulatory Authorities in the Western Balkans” launched in Sofia on 21 February.

The main focus of the project activities will be placed on implementing EC Regulation 2015/1222 (CACM) and EC Regulation 2016/1719 (FCA). The former entered into force to establish rules for the allocation of transmission capacity and the management of congestions on a daily and intra-daily basis; the latter for establishing rules for the allocation of capacity in the mid/long term.

Experts from the Italian Regulatory Authority as well as from Terna, the Italian TSO and GME, and the Bulgarian EWRC will provide information drawn from the implementation of the two Regulations in the legal framework of EU Member States. Project activities will be completed by the end of 2020.

"Following the entry into operation of the Italy-Montenegro interconnection cable, the European energy market and the Balkans’ market are getting closer. The strengthening of the competences of the regulators, with a permanent platform for know-how and best practices exchange, will be crucial for the final transition towards a perfectly integrated Euro-Balkan market", commented Stefano Saglia, member of the Governing Board of ARERA.

For more info:

The project, supported under the CEI Fund at the EBRD, is implemented by the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment (ARERA) in cooperation with the Italian TERNA, GME- Gestore dei Mercati Energetici and I-COM (Institute for Competitiveness), and with the support of the Bulgarian  Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC).

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