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​CEI Ministerial Working Lunch in New York

Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, holding the current CEI Presidency, hosted for his counterparts a Working Lunch in New York on 21 September, on the margins of the UN General Assembly.
During the meeting, the Ministers discussed the outcomes of the CEI activities during the current year and highlighted the priorities for the next period. They emphasised the efforts of the CEI in assisting the political and socio-economic advancement of the region by offering a platform for dialogue and project support. Makei particularly stressed the need for a deeper and more comprehensive regional cooperation on issues of mutual concern.
This has become a traditional gathering in particular with regard to the CEI observer status in the UN General Assembly, which was granted to the CEI in 2011 by resolution 66/111. The unanimous decision taken on that occasion expressed the General Assembly's recognition of the CEI as the largest and oldest intergovernmental forum for regional cooperation.

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