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UNGA adopts resolution on cooperation between United Nations and Central European Initiative

On 6 December 2024 the UN General Assembly, recalling its resolution 66/111 of 9 December 2011 by which it granted observer status to the CEI, adopted the Resolution on Cooperation between the United Nations and the Central European Initiative by a recorded vote of 114 in favour, 10 against with 26 abstentions.

In summary, the document acknowledges the CEI’s efforts to promote the goals and objectives of the United Nations through regional cooperation in particular in the promotion of sustainable development through multilateral cooperation at the intergovernmental, parliamentary, economic and local levels. It also recognises its work through projects, as well as its strategic partnerships with other international and regional organisations. The CEI's multistakeholder approach, involving NGOs, academia, businesses, etc. is also highlighted.

In this regard, the Resolution takes note of the CEI Plan of Action 2024-2026, which was elaborated in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It highlights the multidisciplinary approach of this document combining a political agenda, with a thematic one. The Resolution also refers to various initiatives and stocktaking events aimed at exchanging experiences and best practices related to the implementation of the SDGs by the CEI.

Furthermore, the Resolution takes note of the activities of last year’s Moldovan and this year’s Albanian CEI Presidency, of the CEI ‘s support to Ukraine, of the CEI project activities. It especially underlines the cooperation established between the Initiative and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe),  as well as the growing partnership with the Office of Innovation of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

Overall, the UN encourages specialised agencies and other organisations to collaborate with the CEI through common actions to achieve shared goals.

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