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Improved rail connections and smart mobility in Central Europe

Project status
EU Project

CONNECT2CE was co-financed by the Interreg Central Europe Programme. It aimed at improving public transport (PT) connections between rural, peripheral and cross border regions and the urban areas, where the main transport hubs are located.

The Central European Initiative – Executive Secretariat coordinated a project partnership composed of research institutes, public transport operators, regional authorities responsible for public transport planning from CE, who worked together on analysing territorial needs, on testing innovative pilot actions to improve PT solutions in sparsely populated areas while promoting institutional dialogue among key stakeholders in the concerned regions.

CONNECT2CE designed specific tools and toolboxes for improving PT planning capacities while pilot actions demonstrated the replicability and transferability of the tested solutions in different areas. Strategies for the improvement of PT services at regional and cross-border level were also developed in cooperation with regional stakeholders, paving the way to the capitalisation of project activities beyond closure.

Connectivity and Sustainable Mobility
CEI role
Lead Partner
01/06/2017 - 31/05/2020
CEI quota
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Lead Partner/ Coordinator


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Mr. Paolo Dileno

Project Manager
+39 040 7786 769

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