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Higher education seminar on green transition of ports and related professions

Analysing the new education and training needs deriving from the twin green and digital transitions and defining possible common paths towards a zero-carbon economy on a macro-regional scale were the main goals of the seminar The green transition in port sector: scenarios, projects and professions for the future held at the CEI HQ in Trieste on 15 June.

CEI DSG Nina Kodelja opened this 1st of a series of 8 gatherings attended by key players in the Italian maritime and transport system of Trieste and Venice.

The initiative stems from a cooperation between the CEI and the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (ARFVG) started in 2021 to tackle the topic of training in the transport and maritime environment, a strategic and crucial tool towards green economy and employment; and in light of the EU agenda European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitivenesssocial fairness and resilience.

These higher education seminars are promoted by the CEI together with the ARFVG, and in cooperation with Maritime Technology Cluster FVG, MARE FVG, The Nautical Academy, the CFLI - Intermodal Logistics Training Center, and Adriaferr.

Next scheduled seminars:

-          30 June (Trieste, CEI HQ) - Perspectives and operational tools towards a decarbonisation of ports

-          15 July (Trieste, CEI HQ) - The essential lines of environmental policy in terms of climate change, maritime transport and ports.

For more info:

Watch the Seminar HERE!

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