CEI Secretary General Franco Dal Mas, met in Rome at the Chamber of Deputies with the President of the Italian Delegation to the CEI Parliamentary Assembly, Hon. Salvatore Caiata. Hon. Isabella De Monte and Sen. Roberto Menia, members of the Delegation, were also present.
The informal meeting provided an opportunity to share general reflections on the CEI’s role in the current geopolitical context and in light of the complex challenges threatening international peace and security.
"Europe represents a vast cultural space and it must assert its strength, in line with the objectives and founding values outlined in the Lisbon Treaty: peace, respect for human rights, justice, equality, the rule of law, and sustainable development," said SG Dal Mas.
"In this framework, regional cooperation promoted by the CEI can make a significant contribution to the European integration process and represent the interests and expectations of the countries in the area."
During the meeting, the need to follow up on the programmatic objectives of the "Convention for Strengthening of the CEI" was highlighted, which aim at a reaching renewed political momentum for the Organisation, consolidating cooperation between its Governmental and Parliamentary Dimensions, seizing the opportunities presented by the Serbian Presidency, and continue supporting Ukraine.
President Caiata announced that the role of the CEI in promoting Ukraine's post-war reconstruction will be the focus of the meeting of General Committee on Economic Affairs of the CEI Parliamentary Dimension, scheduled to take place in Matera on 7 February.
For more info: fabro@cei.int