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North Adriatic Maritime Incident Response Group

Project status
EU Project

NAMIRG was co-financed by the European Commission DG ECHO. It contributed to fighting fire incidents onboard of ships at sea and limiting their effects in the North Adriatic Sea by setting up a common transnational fire intervention system.

The CEI-ES coordinated the firefighter brigades of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Koper, and Istra County, which joined their forces to give life to the first transnational MIRG (Maritime Incident Response Group) team for efficient emergency response at sea.

Main outputs elaborated area personnel training manual, a handbook on standard operating procedures (SOPs) for preparing the NAMIRG squad and defining the operations to follow in the event of a fire at sea, and guidelines for materials and devices necessary for the NAMIRG team during helicopter transfer and fire-fighting operations.

27 firefighters followed several courses and training in Trieste Rovinj, Ljubljana, Pavia, La Spezia, Split, carried out four onboard fire-fighting simulation and exchanged experiences with other international MIRG teams from the Netherlands and Finland.

Environmental protection
CEI role
Lead Partner / Coordinator
01/01/2018 - 31/12/2019
CEI quota

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