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Enhancing healthcare professionals' capacity for early detection and response to public health emergencies

The Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, in collaboration with the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), has recently hosted a two-day training course in Chisinau, Moldova on 17-18 October titled "Enhancing Healthcare Professionals' Capacity for Early Detection and Response to Public Health Emergencies in Central and South-Eastern Europe".

The initiative was designed to equip healthcare professionals in the region with the necessary skills to detect and respond effectively to public health emergencies. The primary objective of this specialised course was to promote regional cooperation, emphasising the practical application of biotechnology, the management of potential pandemic human viral diseases, the implementation of effective public health policies, and the assessment of disaster risks. The programme covered a wide range of topics, including pandemics, public health, and biosecurity, along with practical tabletop exercises.

Participants highly valued the interdisciplinary approach and expert presentations that stemmed from the pressing need to enhance healthcare security and international collaboration, particularly in light of the influx of Ukrainian refugees into Moldova.

This capacity-building initiative provided participants with valuable insights into diagnostic procedures, epidemiology, public health strategies, surveillance techniques, antiviral therapy, vaccines, and biosecurity measures. The exchange of knowledge and experiences contributed to a deeper understanding of the safe utilisation of biotechnology and the management of human viral diseases with pandemic potential.

This event underscores the commitment of these organisations to bolster regional healthcare preparedness and cooperation.

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