On 31 January the CEI - Executive Secretariat, in its quality as Lead Partner - hosted the Kick-off Meeting of the project ADRIPASS (Integrating multimodal connections in the Adriatic-Ionian region), funded under the Interreg ADRION Programme. The 24-month project officially started on 1 January 2018.
The meeting represented an opportunity to discuss all project activities and agree on intermediate deadlines, besides those already foreseen in the project. Partners will start with a definition of a Joint Methodology for the data collection on Border Crossing Points. Ample information is already available through the legacy of the previous EU Projects and some studies performed by SEETO (South East Europe Transport Observatory). Nevertheless, updates and fresh information will be needed.
Following the conclusion of the data collection and surveys performed directly by project partners, an Action Plan will be developed, including priority measures. The document will complement the results already achieved in past experiences, such as through the ACROSSEE project (co-funded by SEE Programme), the SEETO Flagship Axes Initiative and the Report on Border Crossing Facilitation, the Regional Balkans Infrastructure Study (REBIS) update as well as the Western Balkans Intermodal Study. Partners also discussed highly efficient and low-cost ICT solutions to be implemented between ports and hinterland.
Partners presented four pilot activities foreseen in the ports of Koper, Bar, Ploce, and Igoumenitsa. They focused on Port Communication Systems and efficient exchange of information that would allow ports to speed up customs and other administrative procedures, without putting at risk the security of ports. Finally, partners will develop a common strategy for the enhancement of multimodal transport efficiency and competitiveness of the transport sector in the Adriatic-Ionian Region. As a result, a Memorandum of Understanding will be drawn to improve regional and cross-border connectivity in the ADRION area.

The meeting represented an opportunity to discuss all project activities and agree on intermediate deadlines, besides those already foreseen in the project. Partners will start with a definition of a Joint Methodology for the data collection on Border Crossing Points. Ample information is already available through the legacy of the previous EU Projects and some studies performed by SEETO (South East Europe Transport Observatory). Nevertheless, updates and fresh information will be needed.
Following the conclusion of the data collection and surveys performed directly by project partners, an Action Plan will be developed, including priority measures. The document will complement the results already achieved in past experiences, such as through the ACROSSEE project (co-funded by SEE Programme), the SEETO Flagship Axes Initiative and the Report on Border Crossing Facilitation, the Regional Balkans Infrastructure Study (REBIS) update as well as the Western Balkans Intermodal Study. Partners also discussed highly efficient and low-cost ICT solutions to be implemented between ports and hinterland.
Partners presented four pilot activities foreseen in the ports of Koper, Bar, Ploce, and Igoumenitsa. They focused on Port Communication Systems and efficient exchange of information that would allow ports to speed up customs and other administrative procedures, without putting at risk the security of ports. Finally, partners will develop a common strategy for the enhancement of multimodal transport efficiency and competitiveness of the transport sector in the Adriatic-Ionian Region. As a result, a Memorandum of Understanding will be drawn to improve regional and cross-border connectivity in the ADRION area.