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KEP AUSTRIA: WaterLeap project successfully addressing challenges of wastewater solutions in Moldova

The “Leap forward with flexible and appropriate wastewater solutions in Moldova - WaterLEAP” project is implemented by the Moldovan know how recipient, the Basin Water Management Authority of Moldova and the Romanian donor institution,  the Business Development Group.
Following the kick-off meeting in Chisinau on 25 February 2016, a range of face-to-face meetings took place, based on the preparation phase with the Ministry of Environment in Moldova, Water Unit; Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions; Ministry of Environment – Agency “Apele Moldova”; Academy of Sciences; Moldovan Knowledge Hub; Acvaproiect Engineering company; Ingineria Apelor, another engineering company; Two wastewater treatment plants in Cahul: one traditional plant and one new plant using wetland technology. Each visit focused on the demand and particular interest of the contact that was visited, on learning what is needed the most. As an outcome of the meetings with the Academy of Science and in particular with the Moldovan Knowledge Hub, enhancing insights and visibility of the water sector and its links to modernise asset management were mentioned as very much needed.
As part of WaterLeap project, the following webinars a/o workshop meetings were also held in March, April and May 2016, involving representatives from the Technical University, engineering companies and consultants from main partners in Moldova. They focused on Design strategy of wastewater treatment plants, (30 March 2016); on Financiers and water (19 April 2016); Wastewater treatment plant as a source (10 May 2016); and Water finance and risk (17 May 2016).

The webinars and meetings aimed at exchanging knowledge and experience from neighbouring countries and beyond on modern asset management in the wastewater sector. The practice-based sessions were adapted to the expressed needs from the audience involving around 20 participants, specialised in the water sector, per session.

On Wednesday 8 June 2016, at the State Agency "Apele Moldovei" a workshop was also organised. The main objective of the gathering was to promote and transfer the experience and best practices of innovation in the field of wastewater treatment through modular stations and possible material recovery from waste water, as a new concept in European water innovation. The knowledge transfer was realised to the Moldovan Water Management authorities and water operators in several regions.

WaterLeap addresses these challenges by fostering the exchange of best-practices on asset management to water authorities. It aims at providing information on how to optimise decision-making in all lifecycle phases of wastewater treatment to increase the efficiency and productivity of the utilities with innovative ‘green’ solutions. It also focuses on including the application of modular systems and specific treatment systems that would fit in rural settings such as constructed wetlands.

The project partners will dedicate the forthcoming months to deepening the concept of asset management in waste water treatment in the framework of workshops taking place in fall.

This project is co-financed through a KEP AUSTRIA grant amounting to 38,000 EUR. 
The KEP AUSTRIA - part of CEI Know-how Exchange Programme - is financed by Austria, with funding provided by the Austrian Development Cooperation (based on an agreement between the Central European Initiative and Austrian Development Agency). The Programme aims at promoting capacity building and technical assistance through know-how transfer from CEI EU to CEI non-EU Member States.

vist to WWTP in Orhei in February

Intermediary workshop in June

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