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Pre-Announcment: Call for Applications for selection of 23 early-career researchers at 10th STS Italia Conference

​​We are pleased to announce the availability of 23 scholarships for researchers whose abstracts will be accepted at the 10th STS Italia Conference "Technoscience for Good". The conference will take place at the Milan Polytechnic University on 11-13 June 2025.

The scholarship programme consists of 5 scholarships for early-career researchers offered by STS Italia, and 18 scholarships supported by the CEI for scholars from institutions based in CEI Member States.

1. STS Italia Scholarships

STS Italia scholarships cover:

  • conference fee,
  • the social dinner,
  • the reimbursement of accommodation and travel expenses up to 500.00€ (in total).

STS Italia membership is not included.

Eligibility. STS Italia scholarships are intended only for early-career researchers (i.e. PhD students, postdocs, untenured researchers) who are registered speakers or convenors for the conference.

2. CEI Scholarships

Each CEI scholarship covers accommodation and travel expenses and social dinner for scholars from CEI member states who are registered speakers or convenors for the conference. All participants from CEI Member states are eligible to apply, but priority will be given to early-career researchers in untenured positions.

CEI scholarships aim to support participation in this significant event, fostering academic exchange and collaboration in the field of Science and Technology Studies for scholars based in CEI ember states

Conversely CEI Scholarship offers:

  • 250.00€ (max) for travel expenses as reimbursement
  • 250.00€ (max) for accommodation expenses as reimbursement
  • Social party

Conference fees and STS Italia membership are not covered by CEI Scholarship and should be paid by participants

Important information for applicants to the scholarship programme:

The evaluation committee will assess applications to ensure a diverse and balanced representation at the conference. 
Besides privileging young scholars, the evaluation committee will strive to maintain gender balance in the selection process for both types of scholarship. 

Submissions will open after the notification of abstract acceptance on February 28, 2025.

Applicants may apply for only one type of scholarship (either CEI or STS Italia scholarship).

Further application instructions will be provided after abstract acceptance notification.

For further information, please visit the conference website or contact the organising committee at

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