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X CEI–HECE Spring School on "IoT, economic and management challenges for e-health integration in the enlarged Europe” held in Trieste

Students and experts in clinical engineering, biotechnology, health informatics and public health from the CEI region gathered in Trieste (Italy) from 26 August to 29 September to attend the X edition of the Spring School on “IoT, economic and management challenges for e-health integration in the enlarged Europe”.

The programme encompassed seminars on the various aspects of Clinical Engineering: European Medical Device Regulation, Medical Software Certification, Hospital Information Systems, Innovative Biomedical Devices. It also touched upon organisational and managerial aspects, thus providing a 360-degree view of the reality of Advances in Biomedical and Clinical Engineering in Central Europe.

The School was opened by Prof. Agostino Accardo - director of HECE, Prof. Ratko Magjarevic - President of the IFMBE and Milos Ajcevic - assistant professor in Biomedical Engineering at University of Trieste. Among the experts, Prof. Zoran Jovanovic - former Dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering of University of Belgrade, Diego Bravar - vice-chairmen of Confindustria Venezia Giulia and CEO of Biovalley Investments Group, and Stefano Bergamasco - member of board of IFMBE Clinical Engineering Division, participated as speakers at the X Spring School.

The gathering was also a great opportunity for participating experts to exchange views and experience on the related topics, as well as for networking among all participants.

The school was organised by Bioengineering Group and Higher Education in Clinical Engineering (HECE) at the University of Trieste, co-funded by the Central European Initiative (CEI) and received the endorsement of the International Federation of Medical and Biomedical Engineering (IFMBE), the Italian Association of Clinical Engineers (AIIC), the Italian Health Technology Assessment Society (SIHTA) and the Trieste Municipality.

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