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CEI-RCC Memorandum of Understanding signed in Vienna

The CEI and the RCC signed a new two-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) yesterday, 3 June 2014, in Vienna. The Ceremony took place on the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the CEI Member States, before the Austrian Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, Sebastian Kurz, and all the invited guests.
The new MoU between the two organisations is expected to strengthen the already excellent cooperation and step up new inputs and ideas for collaborating in an important time for the region, facing a number of difficulties such as the recent devastating floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia.
The MoU  - among other possibilities for cooperation  - envisages exchange of information on political and economic issues relevant for cooperation in the region, promotion of regional projects of common interest through joint preparation and implementation of activities etc. Moreover, each party will appoint a contact person to manage the implementation of the MoU and secure the necessary flow of information between the two Secretariats. 


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