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Annual Meeting of CEI Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Vienna (3 June 2014)

The Austrian CEI Presidency is organising this year’s Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the CEI Member States on 3 June in Vienna, back to back with a Western Balkans Conference in the 1914-2014 context commemorating the anniversary of the outbreak of World War I. The Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs of Austria, Sebastian Kurz, will open the gathering entitled “New Challenges for the CEI”.
The Ministers will have the opportunity to evaluate the results achieved during the two and a half decades since the establishment of the Organisation and address the challenges ahead.
A summary of the main findings of the High Level Reflection Group of the Energy Community will be presented by the Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, Janez Kopač. Namely, in October 2013, the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community established a High Level Reflection Group, mandating it to make an independent assessment of the adequacy of the institutional set up and working methods of the Energy Community for achieving the objectives of the Treaty Establishing the Energy Community, and make proposals for improvements. The CEI Ministers will reflect upon the possible role the CEI could play in this endeavour.

During the Ministerial Meeting, the situation in Ukraine as well as the recent devastating floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia will also be addressed. 
The Ministers will be invited to approve the Decision on the CEI Co-operation Fund budget for 2015 as well as the Ministerial Communiqué.

On this occasion, a new Memorandum of Understanding between the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the CEI will also be signed in the presence of all the invited guests.

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