Chapter 22 deals with Regional Policy and expects candidate countries to align their national legislation with the European acquis regarding structural and cohesion funds, with the aim to foster economic, social, and territorial development of less developed regions. The implementation of the Regional Policy requires adequate administrative capacity for the proper use of financial instruments and the implementation of related projects.
Focusing on the planning phase of the Cohesion Policy, OBCT together with ISSiRFA CNR is carrying out two projects financed by Italy through the CEI Fund at the EBRD and aimed at promoting training and exchange of know-how and expertise with the national authorities of four Balkan countries candidate to the European Union.
During 2023, capacity-building activities have taken place for the relevant institutions in Montenegro and Serbia. With the conclusion of the screening process, in 2024 training activities are planned in Albania and North Macedonia, to be then concluded with a regional event on exchanging good practices and promoting horizontal inclusion of different societal stakeholders.
This initiative intends to shed light on the added value of the work on Chapter 22 for the general progress of the enlargement process. It fosters the creation of a new narrative on European integration perspectives.
More info on previous project activities available HERE