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Transnational Social Enterprises Advocacy Network (SETAN) BECOME A MEMBER!

An international group of organisations from different sectors has established the Transnational Social Enterprises Advocacy Network – SETAN.

SETAN invites social enterprises, support organizations, networks, local authorities, education and research organisations, business organisations and individuals to join SETAN and to collaborate to promote advocacy actions and to develop activities to support social enterprises.

What is SETAN

SETAN has been established in the framework of an INTERREG Central Europe project called SENTINEL by different organisations coming from 6 countries that shared the idea that social economy and social enterprises are crucial for the convergence of disadvantaged regions of Central Europe, where market forces fail to revive the economy; social enterprises are key actors in social inclusion and work integration in these regions, but they face many common barriers at their birth, operation and growth.

The aim of SETAN

Social economy and social enterprises are crucial for the convergence of disadvantaged regions of Central Europe, where market forces fail to revive the economy and social enterprises are key actors in social inclusion and work integration in these regions, but they face many common barriers at their birth, operation and growth; the shortage of skilled labour force and negative effects of demographic change (brain drain, shrinking population), the lack of managerial and professional skills and poor cooperation amongst enterprises are the main hindering factors, while support mechanisms tailored to the local needs and specificities of social businesses are also missing. A key objective is be to enable Social Enterprises (SEs) to turn innovative social ideas into viable and sustainable business models, making CE’s regions better places to live and work;

The Transnational SE Advocacy Network aims at promoting and strengthening SEs vision and role in an effective manner in order to influence policies, programs and initiatives and this will be done by improving knowledge and increasing awareness among governments, policy makers, EU officials, local communities, and other entities such as funding agencies, on issues affecting SEs and opportunities for SEs.


New members

The SE Transnational Advocacy Network is an open network with no legal status and the participation of members is free of charge and voluntary.

Are you working in the social enterprises environment? Are you interested in promoting advocacy actions and in developing activities to support social enterprises? are you already part of a network and want to exchange knowledge at transnational level? Do you want to be part of an exciting international environment that aims at raising awareness and strengthening the role of social enterprises?

Take this chance and join our network! And get the benefit of collaborating with many organisations and people working on social enterprises around Europe, to exchange information and ideas on common topics, to take part in capacity building activities and participate in the promotion of the role of social enterprises in your country and at EU level.

If your organisation wishes to apply, please complete the registration form and send it to: 



•     Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat Egyesület / Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta, HU

•     Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione / Trentino Federation of Cooperation, IT (PENDING)

•     Iniziativa Centro Europea – Segretariato Esecutivo / Central European Initiative – Executive Secretariat

•     Sklad 05 – ustanova za družbene naložbe / Fund 05 – Foundation for Social Investment, SI

•     Fundacija za izboljšanje zaposlitvenih možnosti PRIZMA, ustanova / Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities PRIZMA, SI

•     Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. / Rzeszow Regional Development Agency, PL

•     Regionalny Ośrodek Polityki Społecznej w Rzeszowie / Regional Centre of Social Assistance in Rzeszow, PL

•     Ústav sociálních inovací, o.p.s. / Institute of Social Innovations, CZ

•     Social Impact gGmbH, DE

•     KONETT Hungária Közösségfejlesztési Nonprofit Kft / KONETT Hungaria Community Development Nonprofit Ltd HU

Related Docs
Registration Form (88.58 KB)

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