The Committee of National Coordinators (CNC) met in Trieste on 10 October 2014. The main items on the Agenda were the preparation of the CEI Summit; presentation of the activities and achievements of the Italian EU Presidency, in particular regarding the launch of the upcoming EU Strategies on the Adriatic-Ionian and the Alpine Regions as well as overview of the CEI EU-funded Projects and the future prospects, in light of the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-20.
Moreover, the Committee approved a cofinacing amount of about 400.000 EUR: 30 small-scale projects, received within the Call for Proposals 2014 for financing CEI Cooperation Activities through the Cooperation Fund, have been approved with more than 200.000 EUR; 4 KEP ASUTRIA Projects with about 190.000 EUR.
On this occasion, Roberto Antonione was awarded with the CEI Medal of Honour for his long-standing engagement, dedication and merits. *** Antonione is a long-time friend and supporter of CEI since the very beginning. During his long career he has always covered positions closely linked to the CEI and its Secretariat. The building was made available to the CEI by the Italian Government through the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region when Antonione was President of the Region from 1998 to 2001 (and before that Vice President). Antonione was Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2001 to 2006, responsible for European affairs, thus closely following regional cooperation and CEI. From 2008 to 2013, he was deputy in the Italian Parliament, where he was President of the Italian Parliamentary Delegation to CEI. During this period Antonione was assigned - by the Italian Government - the role to chair the International Group of Experts on Strengthening of the CEI in 2010, a process which was concluded with the adoption of the Budva Recommendations by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs.
Moreover, the Committee approved a cofinacing amount of about 400.000 EUR: 30 small-scale projects, received within the Call for Proposals 2014 for financing CEI Cooperation Activities through the Cooperation Fund, have been approved with more than 200.000 EUR; 4 KEP ASUTRIA Projects with about 190.000 EUR.
On this occasion, Roberto Antonione was awarded with the CEI Medal of Honour for his long-standing engagement, dedication and merits. *** Antonione is a long-time friend and supporter of CEI since the very beginning. During his long career he has always covered positions closely linked to the CEI and its Secretariat. The building was made available to the CEI by the Italian Government through the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region when Antonione was President of the Region from 1998 to 2001 (and before that Vice President). Antonione was Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2001 to 2006, responsible for European affairs, thus closely following regional cooperation and CEI. From 2008 to 2013, he was deputy in the Italian Parliament, where he was President of the Italian Parliamentary Delegation to CEI. During this period Antonione was assigned - by the Italian Government - the role to chair the International Group of Experts on Strengthening of the CEI in 2010, a process which was concluded with the adoption of the Budva Recommendations by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs.