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CEI Promotes First European Group for Territorial Cooperation between Italy and Slovenia

CEI Secretary General Gerhard Pfanzelter has recently attended in Gorizia, together with the Mayor of Gorizia, Mr. Ettore Romoli and the Mayor of Nova Gorica, Mr. Mirko Brulc, the launch of the first Italian-Slovenian European Group for Territorial Cooperation (EGCT).
EGCT is a recent  EU  project aimed to improve territorial cooperation at European level.
This new instrument, pointed out Secretary General Pfanzelter, “builds up a legal framework for high-quality future territorial cooperation, facilitates cross-border, trans-national and/or interregional cooperation and promotes economic and social cohesion".
“After past divisions and the 2004 reconciliation, this is a major step forward for a concrete co-operation in the interest of the cross-border area” said Secretary General Pfanzelter.
When finally approved by respective Governments, the EGCT will give major contributions to cross-border cooperation between the two countries in the field of transport, spatial planning, energy and culture.
A final decision is expected for September 2010.
The CEI intends to promote the EGCT in all its Member Sates by supporting the technical and administrative steps.

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