(ANSA) - UDINE, 20 LUG - The universities of Udine and Nova Gorica (Slovenia) are among the founders of Across, the new cross-border European university alliance for knowledge sharing. This collaboration aims to jointly address the economic, social, and environmental challenges that characterize the border areas where the ten universities involved in the project are located. This initiative is particularly relevant for 2025 when Nova Gorica and Gorizia will become the European Capital of Culture. The ideas developed within Across, an acronym for "European University for Cross-border Knowledge Sharing," will serve as a model within the European Union. The alliance aims to enhance and share research, education, and innovation activities. The project, promoted by the European Commission, will last four years (2025-2028) and has been funded with 14.4 million euros from Brussels, of which one and a half million is allocated to the University of Udine. "The members of Across," explained Roberto Pinton, rector of the University of Udine, "will pool their knowledge and experiences to strengthen cross-border regions, making them even more capable of overcoming current global challenges. Our entire academic community and the local area will be involved in the initiative, including businesses and institutions." "The competition was tough," highlighted Giorgio Alberti, the university's delegate for internationalization, "but thanks to two years of preparatory work, we managed to succeed." In addition to the University of Udine and Nova Gorica, Across includes Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany), the lead university of the alliance; the University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Bialystok University of Technology (Poland); the University of Craiova (Romania); the University of Girona (Spain); the University of Perpignan Via Domitia (France); and the University of Ruse (Bulgaria). The National University "Ivan Franko" of Lviv (Ukraine) is an associated partner. Across will work in five areas: collaborative research, innovative educational projects, mobility and exchanges, technology and innovation hubs, and social inclusion and diversity. (ANSA).