On 10 October 2024, Sarajevo hosted the Workshop “Best Practices from EU Policies and Strategies to Achieve a Sustainable Blue Economy: What Path for Bosnia and Herzegovina?”, which underscored a… READ MORE
The CEI-Executive Secretariat is pleased to announce the launch of a Call for Expressions of Interest in the framework of the Project TREASURE -Testing novel environmental quality measures in and… READ MORE
From 10 to 14 June 2024, 15 officials from public administrations of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro joined the training of trainers organised in the framework of the project TRUE… READ MORE
The CEI and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) are proud to announce the 2024 Call for Applications.
The Award is meant to promote high-quality investigative journalism and… READ MORE
The Central European Initiative (CEI) and the Slovene Writers’ Association (SWA), within the Vilenica International Literary Festival, have launched the Call for Applications 2024 of the CEI Award… READ MORE
Young professionals from public institutions, think-tanks and research centers from EU and non-EU countries from across Central and Eastern Europe are invited to leverage their diverse vantage… READ MORE
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