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ASF:Confagricoltura,pork price falls due to German outbreaks

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 01 DIC - Due to two outbreaks of African Swine Fever in Germany in September, "in just 30 days, in November, the price of pork in Italy dropped by 20%," reported today, through a statement, David Pontello, coordinator of the economic section of pig farming of Confagricoltura Fvg. "On an annual basis - he pointed out - prices have fallen even more significantly, by over 30%. A year ago, pork was worth around € 1.80 per kilo. Now we are at € 1.22. per kilo, far below the economic convenience for the farmer." Pontello added that all 765 regional pig farmers who, every year, raise over 245,000 pigs, are suffering from this situation. "The current situation - he explained - originates in Germany where, since September, a couple of outbreaks of African Swine Fever (ASF) have occurred. As a result, some measures have been taken to combat the pandemic, and Asian countries, China in the lead - he added - stopped buying German pork, which spilled over into the Italian market causing prices to drop." Pontello then highlighted the closure of the HORECA sector "due to the new confinements following the second wave of Covid-19, which has further restricted market opportunities." Finally, the regional coordinator re-launched an appeal, "In the coming weeks we are confident that our appeal to buy meat butchered in Italy - he added - will be widely accepted by public opinion and consumers, in an attempt to give some satisfaction to farmers. and national supply chains." (ANSA).