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Research: Austrian minister visits Trieste

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 14 MAG - Yesterday, a significant event unfolded as a delegation led by the esteemed Austrian Minister of Education, Science and Research, Martin Polaschek, visited the headquarters of the European Consortium for Research Infrastructures in Central Europe (ERIC) in Trieste. The visit was a testament to the importance of international research collaborations, focusing on fruitful partnerships involving Austria, the Czech Republic, and Italy at Elettra Sincrotrone. The group - as per a statement - composed of representatives from the ministry and the Technical University of Graz, had the privilege of witnessing the cutting-edge research techniques at the two Austrian synchrotron beam lines at Elettra: SAXS (Small Angle X-ray Scattering) and DXRL (Deep X-Ray Lithography). These state-of-the-art techniques, used for research and characterization of materials at the nanometer level (SAXS) and for the fabrication of complex microscopic devices (DXRL), are at the forefront of scientific advancements, inspiring researchers worldwide. The statement elucidates that ERIC, founded with a noble vision of promoting integration in the European research area, is steadfastly pursuing its mission. With the support of the Italian government and other participating governments, ERIC integrates laboratories specializing in materials analysis, nanotechnology, and nanoscience into a single entity. This facilitation of joint research and access to Italian and foreign researchers is a testament to the power of collaboration and shared purpose in the field of research. A collaboration, the statement adds, that "is expanding through strategic partnerships with prestigious institutions across Europe, which include various universities and laboratories in Italy (Universities of Salerno, Salento, and Naples, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, European Commission Joint Research Centre in Ispra), Croatia (Ruđer Bošković Centre), Hungary (Budapest Neutron Centre), Poland (Solaris synchrotron), Slovenia (Slovenian Nmr Centre), and Romania (National Institute of Materials Physics), with Serbia being observed."