(ANSA) - SKOPJE, 20 APR - The election campaign has kicked off in North Macedonia. The May 8 election represents the confrontation between the two country's two most significant political forces - the Social Democrats (SDSM) in power, led by Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski and the VMRO-DPNME, the largest opposition party headed by its leader, Hristijan Mickovski. Under the slogan 'You don't give up on the future,' Premier Kovacevski launched the election campaign by insisting on the need to pursue with the utmost strength and determination the goal of full European integration of the country's Balkans. The parties of the Albanian minority (about 25 percent of the population), are divided over support for Kovacevski's government. The May 8 general elections will be preceded by the presidential elections, scheduled for April 24, whose most likely runoff will also be held on May 8, along with the general elections. (ANSA).