(ANSA) - TRIESTE, MAR 4 - Working toward effective joint action in international rescue operations, providing mutual support, and also drawing organizational lines for possible future collaborations were among the topics of a meeting in Trieste between representatives of Italy's Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (CNSAS) and Hrvatska Gorska Služba Spašavanja (HGSS), the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service. CNSAS and HGSS have previously worked on complex rescue operations, including Morca Cave (Turkey, 2023) and Riesending-Schachthöhle (Germany, 2014), and boast significant multi-year cooperation. The two delegations, under the leadership of HGSS President Marko Rakovac and Alessandro Molinu, vice-president of the CNSAS, discussed possible scenarios for cooperation in primary and specialized training events within the specific activities of mountain and speleological rescue, the cadenced structuring of discussion tables on technical and management aspects, and the definition of an agenda of joint activities and exercises, to be scheduled in the coming months. (ANSA).