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CEI Parliamentary Dimension Plenary Session in Budapest

The Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative was held on 24 and 25 September, 2013 in Budapest at the historic building of the Hungarian Parliament. 

The Meeting was opened by President of the Parliament, Honourable Làszlo Köver and chaired by the President of the Parliamentary Dimension, Richárd Hörcsik.

On behalf of CEI Secretary General Amb. Giovanni Caracciolo di Vietri, Special Advisor, Mr. Giorgio Rosso Cicogna made an introductory presentation emphasising the role the CEI and its Secretariat in Trieste could play as implementing agency for initiatives and programmes of the European Commission, in the light of the extraordinary record of EU project implementation demonstrated so far. In this context, he mentioned the new opportunity offered by the macro-regional strategy of the EU, and more specifically by the Danube Strategy and the new Adriatic Ionian Strategy defined in Brussels.

For more information:

The Final Declaration of the Parliamentary Assembly is available here.


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