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Productive talks in Tirana ahead of Albania's Presidency 2024

A delegation from the CEI-Executive Secretariat, led by Secretary General Roberto Antonione, visited Tirana on 24 October 2023 for consultations on next year’s CEI Presidency under the Republic of Albania.

During their visit, the delegation was received by the Deputy Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, Besart Kadia, and by the team responsible for overseeing the country’s CEI Presidency 2024. Discussions primarily centred on the political focus and priorities for the upcoming year.

The European integration process was highlighted as the main political goal in today’s complex international context marked by manifold challenges impacting peace and security. In this regard, the enhancement of the CEI’s support towards Ukraine has been underlined as a key element in promoting solidarity , as well as in addressing the regional consequences stemming from the war through regional cooperation, while  strengthening the overall work of the Organisation.

The CEI - Executive Secretariat, among other things, provided information on the necessary activities for a tangible cooperation and information exchange between the Secretariat and Albania for a successful outcome of the Presidency. 

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