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XI CEI–HECE Spring School on "IoT, economic and management challenges for e-health integration in the enlarged Europe"

The XI edition of international the Spring School (Trieste, 5-8 June)  "IoT, economic and management challenges for e-health integration in the enlarged Europe" witnessed the participation of 28 participants and 14 professors and experts in Biomedical and Clinical engineering from CEI Member States.

The seminars at the University of Trieste gave the participants the chance to exchange views and experience on topics covering the latest advancements and challenges in the field of Biomedical and Clinical engineering. The programme especially focused on European Medical Device Regulation, Health Technology Assessment, Innovative Biomedical Devices, Artificial Intelligence applications in healthcare and e-Health.

The School was opened by Milos Ajcevic, assistant professor in Biomedical Engineering at University of Trieste.
Among the experts were: Prof. Zoran Jovanovic, former Dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering of University of Belgrade; Diego Bravar, vice-chairmen of Confindustria Venezia Giulia and CEO of Biovalley Investments Group; Porf. Jože Gričar, professor emeritus of University of Maribor and Stefano Bergamasco, member of board of IFMBE Clinical Engineering Division. 

This year’s programme also included a workshop on advances in cardiac pacing with the participation of Medtronic’s experts.

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