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NAMIRS participates in RAMOGEPOL exercise for conservation of biodiversity and fight against marine pollution

On 9-10 May, NAMIRS (North Adriatic Maritime Incident Response Systempartners from the Croatian Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, the Italian Coast Guard and the Slovene Civil Protection Administration attended - as observers - the annual RAMOGEPOL exercise in Toulon (France).

During the event, the partners had the chance to see how the joint cooperation between forces from France, Italy and Monaco works in practice in case of accidental spill-over at sea; such structured cooperation represents a model for the NAMIRS project and the North Adriatic basin.

Inputs from RAMOGEPOL will be useful for the first NAMIRS exercise, which will be organised in the Gulf of Trieste in early November 2023 and which will test the interoperability of anti-pollution resources from Croatia, Italy and Slovenia, previously trained through the NAMIRS mechanism, and jointly activated through the application of common Standard Operative Procedures.

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