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Romania focuses on the film industry

(ANSA) - ISCHIA (Naples) - Romania focuses on the film industry: vice premier Ana Birchall, attending the Ischia Global Film & Music fest, presented the support programme for productions that decide to shoot films in Romania. ''The Romanian government is very interested in developing that sector, in our country there are qualified workers and we boast wonderful locations, such as sea, lakes, rivers,mountains and cities. We want all visitors to come back'', Birchall said. The measures last until December 2020, potentially covering 45% of the costs of the film productions in Romania. The annual budget is worth 50 million euros, for 150 productions overall. The aid consists of contributions equal to 35% of the overall eligible production costs, and an additional 10% can be added to movies promoting a particular geographical area in Romania. The beneficiaries will be foreign or domestic companies producing films which can be considered as 'products of cultural interest'. The selection among eligible projects will be carried out by a 'Film committee' and payments will take place in 120 days. The presentation was also attended by Bobby Paunescu (director and producer) and Luigi Abete, chairman of BNL-BNP Paribas Group. ''Congratulations on this new legislative landscape - Abete said - and I want to point out the importance of the stability of this norm and its enforcement through regulations ''. (ANSA).